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Friday, August 23, 2013

Fall Protection

Q: Is it acceptable to use a scissors lift from an elevated platform that has perimeter openings of 40 inches around the outside of the floor?

A:  Since the wall openings are 40 inches, it is required for workers working from the floor level to have fall protection.  In this case the horizontal lifeline and fall arrest harnesses are acceptable, as long as they are used in the proper form. 

Any employee using the scissors lift will be required to have their fall arrest harness secured and attached until entering the lift because of the 40 inch openings.  When in the lift, the wall structures and the curtain walls must act as a curbing system; that will not allow the lift to reach the edge of the floor, exposing the employees to the risk of driving the lift off the edge. 

This process must be made as safe as possible to ensure that the lift is incapable of driving over the curtain walls that are acting as the curbing system.  If there are any potential hazards that may occur, they must be addressed.  OSHA may be unclear with the use of equipment use from an elevated platform, but OSHA does state under the General Duty Clause that the employer must ensure a safe workplace for the employees.

Safety challenges can come up at any time, trust the OSH consultants at LSCI to help with your company's safety.